Paulo Rk

Paulo Rk
Contemplação da mente

quinta-feira, 27 de maio de 2010

Slow Motion

On Sunday a friend caught him taking his breakfast, his movements were not strangers might even pass unnoticed.
However, I was so amazed that just a fit of laughter broke the silence of the morning sun.
And totally outraged she complained, asking me to respect her for her moment in the conscience, "slow motion"!
Then she went on, and I served the bread cut in half and putting the curd with a knife, gently spread the cream all over the surface and extension of the bread.
The process of cheese to bread, it took about 3-4 minutes, then was the time of milk in coffee or coffee milk.
She took the bottle opened slowly, and poured the black liquid in no hurry, looking like a fanatic, the smoke that rose to as the liquid falls in my cup.
Then came the white liquid or milk, poured the coffee quickly, but was about 30 seconds to observe the liquid mixing.
The whole process was narrated in a voice soft and hypnotic:
-Note the smoke coming out of the bottle slowly, to discover your space in the atmosphere, now watch the white milk fusing with black coffee in a show that we can coexist despite our differences!
Breakfast was the most time consuming of my life, but worse was to come, she invited me to walk barefoot in your backyard.
Neither needed to say that I am not accustomed to walking barefoot, especially because his backyard was all red earth full of stones.
No gramma so I could rest my my feet, she said, the contact of our feet with the ground is very important because it empowers us positively, drawing all our negative energies.
My greatest luck is that the wall of her backyard was very high, thus avoiding the ridicule and teasing, it looked like two slugs to walk on a sunny afternoon.
Two people who appeared to be totally insane in another dimension, totally unconnected with the commitments.
Then she recommended me to take a shower, and instructed me that I imagine the water with positive energy to recharge my soul, and taking all the negative energy from my body into the drain.
To me the slow movement was a novelty and found it all very funny, believe it or not on Monday was totally willing.
Thank you for reading until the last paragraph.
Paul RkSp

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