Paulo Rk

Paulo Rk
Contemplação da mente

segunda-feira, 2 de agosto de 2010

See if it grows

Already experiencing a situation where someone analyzing your behavior rebuked him saying, "see if it grows, 'grows in the mind', no longer children and stuff?"
But worse, is that friend you have not seen for a while and when I found says: "wow you do not change it, still the same thing!"
All this because I love children, and when I see his kids, I make a mess with the gurus.
Causing his parents lose control of his pupils, and therefore have to clean up the mess after the tormented friend, time for school though.
It's funny, but the point is that the effect of this commentary, it makes a mess on my psychological condition, and it's cinematic proportions.
It gives a feel like crying, despair mixed with anger, because I never am sure if this statement is positive or negative in nature, my own point of view.
Yes, I know the character of those friends who once did most of my life, but desperately, they changed, they changed at some point, I can not see and I can not reach.
Is it really that I keep frozen in time, is it that I'm living life in a timeless way, and I did not realize this fact?
Yes things have changed around me, I mean not only in looks, but people are different, the soccer field is no more, have a luxury building on the site, there is no longer the dirt roads and floods are more frequent.
So why do people not see changes in me, if I even feel different?
And then someone makes a relevant comment, which messes with the whole structure of the agent, saying that people only understand what is convenient for them.
Do I think it's inconvenient or will have mature complex Peter Pan?
Try again stifle the case and like everything in life choose to delay action this sentence, and I leave for a negotiation.
Because I believe that this reality has worn my two neurons, affectionately nicknamed Chip and Dale, who has recently worked on a project in two shifts.
In this recess, I will gather all the files, and may be able to convince the jury (time) to run more slowly and gain more time so I can grow.
Thank you for reading until the last paragraph.
Paul RkSp

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