Paulo Rk

Paulo Rk
Contemplação da mente

terça-feira, 8 de junho de 2010

My soul needs .....

I feel the need to write things from my everyday life, and for some people who are platitudes do not have to do, I would say that is not quite out there!
Actually we can not rule moments of our lives, because they may one day be remembered with nostalgia and because many with much nostalgia.
The last moment of our lives, could be much more than just a moment, if you really know how to interpret them into words.
It is examining our attitudes present, we improve our response and interaction with other thinkers.
My inspiration comes from my work, my contact and interaction with people.
Thoughts and statements of others, make me think about my own condition, which as already said, I live a bit lost for myself.
Whenever I read in the days following what I write, I can think better as I speak and I approach the same situation ever more closely, always improving my interaction and relationship with others.
Do not know if they are reminded of my first paragraph where I mention that he had struggled to express in words my emotional, not sure if technically I'm writing better, but today I feel much better at expressing what I am to people. "
And that is why I always ask for my dear friends and readers to comment on the consistency of the thoughts expressed in my blog.
For I know the complexity of writing and explaining our ideas as we want.
And while we strive always be people who will not understand us.
It is the dynamics of life, a personal need to know better sort my thoughts led me to write blogs, I write something beautiful, something that touched people, and do reflect on their own lives.
I have no intention of becoming a writer, because in this personal blog, has therapeutic purposes (at least for me).
I never read great literary works as well with some of life, major works such as Leo Tolstoy, Alan Poe, Franz Kafka, Miguel de Cervantes and the brasileiríssimos, Machado de Assis, Eça de Queiroz and João Guimarães Rosa.
Real monsters intellectuals who really mastered the technique and art to touch people.
Thank you for reading until the last paragraph.

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