Paulo Rk

Paulo Rk
Contemplação da mente

domingo, 31 de janeiro de 2010

End of the month, time flies

The connotation of order, is meant the beginning of something, in this case we can say that the end of January, announced the official launch of the year 2010.
Of course there are exceptions for some wealthy Brazilians living, has the beginning of the month of March as the beginning of the year.
Once again, life has proved relentless, and again, the speed took over our lives, I believe that few could realize their dreams.
Mal celebrate the first day of the year, and before we respirássemos same as the last day of the month.
It is obvious that life in a hurry and their reasons, perhaps humanity in eternal ignorance will never understand the rush in many cases can be the friend of perfection.
Maybe life is warning us, telling of some form of procrastination that is no longer the solution to all our problems, because the time is another.
A warning for us to live our lives with more courage and stop being afraid of risking more.
There is still time, to try to follow the reasoning of this season and try to at least realize that life project that was shelved on the desk.
Because the call is in the air and the messenger is called life at all hours, minutes and seconds in remembering.
Thank you for reading until the last paragraph.
Paul Rk.

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